
BIG Coalition Namibia
- –
- Campaign BIG Coalition 2020
Due to the
social and economic situation exacerbated by the Covid-19 crisis
civil society is re-launching the BIG coalition. The
introduction of a universal basic income grant for all in
Namibia is a matter of urgency! The BIG coalition is hosted by
the Economic and Social Justice Trust. To link up to the
campaign please see:
or twitter.com/bignamibia
further information and action please contact:
contact@bignam.org or
– ten years later -
In the beginning
of 2019 – ten years after the pilot project evaluation –
another series of interviews with residents of Otjivero were
conducted and compiled in a report. This publication aims to
give a voice to the people at the centre of the BIG pilot
project who experienced what changed and what remained after the
BIG ended and how lives look like ten years later. The
publication highlights the political developments since the
pilot project. Most importantly it provides a long term analysis
of the effects of a Basic Income on household and community
level from the perspective of the people concerned. This
publications wants to ensure that their voices and opinions are
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Basic Income Grant pilot project (2008-2009)
- The
proposal for a Basic Income Grant in Namibia was made in 2002 by
the Namibian Tax Consortium (NAMTAX), a government appointed
commission. The consortium made the proposal for a Basic Income
Grant in light of the high poverty levels and the unequal
distribution of income (income inequality) in Namibia. The
debate about a Basic Income Grant in Namibia is based on the
following proposal made in 2005: A monthly cash grant of
not less than N$100 (~13 US$) should be paid to every Namibian
as a right. Every Namibian would receive such a grant
until pension age from where onwards he/she is eligible to the
existing universal State Old Age Pension of N$500. The money of
people not in need or not in poverty would be recuperated
through adjustments in the tax system.
Basic Income
Grant Coalition founding document, April 2005

Spearheaded by
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia
(ELCRN), this proposal was taken up by the Namibian civil
society and has evolved into the BIG Coalition, which was formed
in April 2005. The Basic Income Grant campaign, which aims at
achieving the introduction of a Basic Income Grant in Namibia,
has to date been the biggest civil society project united in
fighting poverty. The Coalition consists of the Council of
Churches (CCN), the National Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW),
the umbrella body of the NGOs (NANGOF), the umbrella body of the
AIDS organisations (NANASO), the National Youth Service (NYC),
the Church Alliance for Orphans (CAFO), the Legal Assistance
Centre (LAC) and the Labour Resource and Research Institute
(LaRRI). From 2008 to 2009, the BIG Coalition has implemented
the first ever pilot project of a BIG in the village of Otjivero
in Namibia.
On this website
you will find the background, history, research work and
documentation of the pilot and the discussion about it:
Pilot Project
Publications and other material
Media Reports

you would like to get in touch with the Secretariat of the
Coalition or if you are looking for information on the current
campaign work, please contact the Economic & Social Justice
Trust (contact@bignam.org).
2020, Claudia & Dirk Haarmann – BIG Coalition